Tell Your Community’s Truth

Student journalists provide a unique, essential perspective when they tell stories. They understand and can identify issues that their older colleagues might miss. They speak their readers’ language and provide a trusted forum for young voices to share their concerns and have their questions answered. 

Often these student journalists are truly on the front lines, covering challenging but vital stories, like racist incidents on campus, sexual misconduct, LGBTQIA+ discrimination, lack of accessible resources for disabled students and other injustices. 

In order to continue telling the vital stories in their communities and producing impactful pieces of bold journalism, young journalists need student press freedom now more than ever.

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College photo journalist takes photos of a protest.
Student photojournalist Kathryn Skeean raises her camera to make photographs during a Black Lives Matter protest in Athens, Georgia on June 2, 2020.

Reporting on Protests

Protests and walkouts focus on highly important issues in a community, focusing on political issues ranging from racism, abortion, guns, elections and more. We’re here to help make sure you know your rights and are well-prepared to cover any walkout or protest. 

person touching open macbook on table
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Reporting on Sexual Misconduct

Covering stories surrounding sexual harassment, discrimination or abuse issues are powerful stories for student journalists to tackle. We are here to help make sure you have the basic information about how to go about tackling these stories in your community so that you can practice your best reporting.