
Know Your Rights

Although the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press, student journalists still aren’t always guaranteed those rights. As student journalists, it is crucial for you to understand your rights so you can freely report, engage in producing bold journalism, and feel empowered to confidently stand up for student press freedom. 

Tell Your Community’s Truth

Student journalists are on the frontlines covering important stories and vital issues that affect their communities. These stories make a lasting impact, as they uncover hard truths and amplify important voices. But for student journalists to effectively tell a community’s story, student press freedom is a necessity. 

portrait photo of woman holding up a magnifying glass over her eye

Promote Accountability and Transparency

Student journalists hold schools and community leaders to account, not only through insightful coverage, but by advocating for transparent policies and disclosure of public information. A free student press is imperative to creating a healthy, informed and civically engaged community.